
SonoTemps has always come through for me with exactly the types of assignments I'm looking for. Jason, RDMS Sonographer


We strive to provide you the best benefits that any staffing agency can offer you. We listen to your feedback and are constantly updating our benefits to meet your needs. When you travel with SonoTemps, we treat you like family!

Please find below the benefits we offer to our travel employees.

SonoTemps recruiters are non-commissioned and work together as a team to meet the needs of clients and employees. We find it important to keep the process simple and easy when you are working with SonoTemps. Click here to sign up with the SonoTemps family.

P.O. Box 356 Palm Harbor, FL 34682      tel 1-800-990-6224      fax 727-944-3670      email
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The best reasons why you should travel with SonoTemps!